Thursday, August 4, 2011

3. Let's blame the jews. (Pat Condell)

Yes, Pat, let's try to blame the jews.

Your biggest problem seems to be the many muslims in your country and the terror that some muslims commit.

Have you got any idea how all these immigrants came into your country,  Pat?
Are you blaming 'the awful left-wingers', you say ?
And where did they get their ideas from?
How come this leftish - we are all the same, its a shame to discriminate other races - view on the world got so popular and influential?
Who propagated it?
Cui bono ? Or in plain english: who did benefit from mass immigration?

It was Franz Boas who invented anthropology, and more than that: he invented the idea that all people were very much the same. Differences among the races were only the result from differences in culture.
This lay the ground-work. It paved the way. (4)

Then came the sixties: The emancipation of the blacks in the US.
The NAACP was a jewish organisation !

But more than that.
Also the holocaust-industry started.
Untill the mid sixties Auschwitz was almost unknown. There were very very few books about the holocaust.
We all became familiar with the heaps of very skinny dead people in Bergen-Belsen, who died from typhus and exhaustion, as they had chosen to fly from more eastward camps to Bergen Belsen.  They voluntarily fled together with the German 'beasts' for the Russian liberators.
We were given the impression that all these poor people were gassed, but there were never any gaschambers in Bergen Belsen.

Auschwitz was strongly connected with the idea of discrimination.
All these 6 million jews died because of discrimination.

Suddenly it became impossible to object to immigration.
Such objection was immediately seen as evidence of discrimination.
Every politician who wanted to discuss immigration got ostracised and demonised.
It was the end of his career.
Also opinion-leaders, journalists and authors were no longer able to discuss the risks of mass immigration.

Stephen Jay Gould was able to convince every intellectual that IQ did not exist.
Richard Lewontin showed us that there was only one human race, as the differences between i.e. all white people were much bigger than the differences between the average black and the average white person. Race was an obsolete concept.

Now, if you look carefully, you will see that all these theorists were of jewish origin.

As Kevin MacDonald and others have shown it was always the jewish segment of the American society that was the fiercest ( and often the only) group that pleaded for free immigration. ( And still are)
Why ?
Simple. If you are a jew and constitute 2% of the country whereas the other 98 % are white christians, you have little chances to become 'chief'.
In 1964 the jewish lobby succeeded to break the resistance against immigration. Then about 80% of the USA was white. Now this has sunk to about 50%. (Percentages are a rough guess).
Already for several years the jews are the 'chiefs' in the USA.

'Devide and conquer' is the strategy.

So, my dear Pat,
you have a few contradictions in your worldview: You hate immigrant, but you love jews.
You lack the knowledge that it was the jews who succeeded in making our countries multi-ethnic.
(1) (2) (3)

And now they have changed their agenda's.
We will be multi-ethnic for ever, and weaker because of that.
Now your jewish friends have a new goal.
They want the freedom to kill muslims without being bothered about it.
That is why we had 911.
That is why in our media the muslim-bashing has taken such momentum.

I am afraid, dear Pat, that you are just doing what the jewish interests want you to do: bash muslims.


On youtube I wrote this text to go with the video that I posted:
Here it is with links included. ( I will do that in a few days)

Pat Condell is defending the jews, and hates the many immigrants.
This is strange, because it has been the jewish pressure that made mass immigration possible.
This immigration is good for the jews and bad for the  non-jewish inhabitants of a country.

Hans Janmaat was a Dutch MP who criticised mass immigration since 1983.
The press vilified him. One time he was treated like shit by a jewish panel ( het zwarte schaap) because he discriminated people.
Janmaat died in 2002.

I voted for Janmaat.
I spoke to Pim Fortuyn a few months before he was murdered.
How far back does Condell's 'clairvoyance' go?  Did he risk being demonised  20 years ago, like me?

From what I read and lived through it is now my opinion that jewish influence in academia and in the Media can make a people believe whatever they want us to believe,  as Bertrand Russell once wrote.
First we were made to believe that opposing immigration was equal to being a fascist. Discrimination was the biggest sin possible.

Now that our countries are hopelessly multi-ethnic, we learn from 'The Masters
 of Discourse' that all people may be all equal, but the muslims are less equal.
They are dangerous and inferior.

If Israel were surrounded by Hindu countries and 'Greater Israƫl' were inhabited by Hindu's right now,
then  911 would have been perpetrated by Hindu's and we would all learn time and again how dangerous this religion was, and how inhuman their culture.
They burn their widows alive! They have untouchables ! Women are second class creatures !


(1) Gelbaum (jewish bussiness man) gives 100 million $ to environment organisations on the condition that they will stop their opposition towards immigration, in 1994.

(2) E.A. Ross writes in 1914 that it was overwhelmingly a jewish campaign to plea for immigration:

"Although theirs is but a seventh of our net immigration, they led the fight on the Immigration Commission’s bill. The power of the million Jews in the Metropolis lined up the Congressional delegation from New York in solid opposition to the literacy test. The systematic campaign in newspapers and magazines to break down all arguments for restriction and to calm nativist fears is waged by and for one race. Hebrew money is behind the National Liberal Immigration League and its numerous publications. From the paper before the commercial body or the scientific association to the heavy treatise produced with the aid of the Baron de Hirsch Fund, the literature that proves the blessings of immigration to all classes in America emanates from subtle Hebrew brains." (E. A. Ross, The Old World and the New: The Significance of Past and Present Immigration to the American People. 1914, 144–145)

(3) David Duke: Chapter 24:

(4) By 1915 the Boasians controlled the American Anthropological Association and held a two-thirds majority on its Executive Board. By 1926 every major department of anthropology was headed by Boas’s students, the majority of whom were Jewish. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy to know there are many people who can see through the deception of media propaganda today.


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