This is a reaction to Pat Condell's video.
Pat admits that he lacks knowledge. I try to inform him.
The Islamisation of Europe?
You make it sound as if the muslims invaded our countries. They did not.
They did not even come uninvited, like the jews did when they entered all nations of the world.
No, Pat. We invited them.
We went to Morocco and Turkey and invited the muslims to come to us and work in our factories. They did not come on their own initiative.
That’s how the muslims came to Germany, Holland, Belgium etc.
With France and England it may be a little different.
France and England have colonised a lot of muslim countries and that started muslim immigration to their countries.
The first muslims came in the sixties.
Once they were here, it were the jewish Scientists and jewish Media who created the Politically Correct doctrine that all people were the same, and that objection to immigration was the first step on the way to a new Auschwitz. I posted a video about this.
In the years that mass-immigration took place, your jewish heroes, Pat, were able to prevent any debate and keep the gates open.
The only reproach you may make to the muslims is that they left their country of birth and went to another country where the gras was greener. But America is filled with people who did the same, in earlier times.
Your anger should be directed to those who created the climate of Political Correctness.
Political Correctness was (of course ) a jewish invention of the Frankfurter School.
As a matter of fact, David Horowitz ( the man who started muslim bashing in the States) was also a man who started Political Correctness. He inspired all the Lefties that you hate, Pat.
Here you can hear Horowitz himself, confirming what I write.
As a matter of fact, David Horowitz ( the man who started muslim bashing in the States) was also a man who started Political Correctness. He inspired all the Lefties that you hate, Pat.
Here you can hear Horowitz himself, confirming what I write.
Here you can hear about Adorno who invented the taboo on 'prejudice' ..... which made it impossible to criticise mass immigration.
Another source about Political Correctness: Valdas Anelauskas.
A fine definition of Political Correctness.
The islamisation of America ?
The moslim-bashers were so succesful to scare Americans for the muslims that the people of Oklahoma demanded a law that would make it impossible that the Sharia would ever in the future be introduced in their state.
Was this a realistic fear of the Oklahomians?
Not if you know that only 6000 Oklahomians are muslim, one in every 650 people.
The Washington Post did a huge investigation to find out how the bussiness of ‘intelligence’ had grown after 911.
The answer is that they have one secret service agent for every 2 muslims in the US.
Are they that afraid of muslims, Pat, or is there another strategy behind this ?
You may lack knowledge, but now that I give you the numbers, what do you think ?
An estimated 854,000 people hold top-secret security clearances.
On a population of 307 million that is 0,3 %.
In the US 0,6 % of the population is muslim.
About 911.
Pat, you still accuse the moslims of 911, but this is almost impossible.
The evidence for that is overwhelming.
I have 3 jews who are convinced ( and dare to say it) that Israel and jews were the ones who must have done it. Here too the evidence is abundant.
So reality is much more spectacular than you think: it was jews who did 911, and it is jews that started this Ground Zero Mosque hype.
All the time the muslims are the victims.
About the ‘Cordoba House’.
Pat, you say that the Muslims conquered Spain, and that the Cordoba mosque was a symbol of their conquest.
Lacking knowledge serves you well, Pat.
If you would have knowledge, it would look different:
Benjamin Disraeli, a former prime minister of England, jewish by race, and an admirer and defender of the jews, wrote this in his book “Lord George Bentick”, written in 1852, on page 327,
That it were the Spanish Jews who asked the muslims to come over to Spain and help them to keep the country in their power.
Again: a jewish initiative for agression, not a muslim one.
( in La Mediterrannée.. pag 137 :)
"In Poland, which burst suddenly into modernity at the beginning of the fifteenth century, there is a growing jewish ascendance, the result of numbers, and almost a jewish nation and state…."
The Gothic tribes, very recently converted to their Syrian faith (= Christianity), were full of barbaric zeal against those whom they looked upon as the enemies of Jesus. But the Spanish Jews sought assistance from their kinsmen the Saracens (= Moors) on the opposite coast; Spain was invaded and subdued by the Moors, and for several centuries the Jew and the Saracen lived under the same benignant laws and shared the same brilliant prosperity. In the history of Spain during the Saracenic supremacy any distinction of religion or race is no longer traced.